A guide in an ocean of regulations which continue to evolve

Managing privacy is becoming increasingly difficult – for both analog and digital types of work. PFL provides counsel to companies, no matter what their size, on all of the regulatory aspects of data privacy and controls.

As the internet is now an integral part of our lives, the issue of privacy has become an even more important topic than in the past. People realize the value of their data and, as a result, are paying greater attention to the protection of it.

PFL provides legal counsel to both companies and professionals working in the field of privacy and data protection.  Our team has extensive knowledge of the regulations which govern this field of law   and continually keep up-to-date on the most recent changes so that clients can always be compliant with the most recent laws.


Our legal team advises on personal data protection as well as any violations of privacy. The team is well versed in providing counsel also when the transfer of data to countries outside of the European Union is required. Here our lawyers can provide updates, through our network of international contacts, on the most recent regulations governing privacy in foreign jurisdictions.


User data is valuable for anyone who runs an e-commerce website or who sells services online. However, it can become a potential risk if one is not up to date on the most current legal regulations concerning the processing and retention of user data. PFL works to protect the interests of our clients – advising them on how to avoid violating the laws regarding privacy on the internet, especially in reference to information collected by websites, as these laws are constantly changing both in Europe and in the rest of the world.


PFL works closely together with clients to prepare privacy information specific to the relevant jurisdictions required. For business activities in particularly sensitive areas – our team also ensures there are no regulatory conflicts so that any potential legal disputes can be avoided in the future.

Data Breaches

Given certain types of data have a great value – there will always be individuals actively working to steal it. Avoiding these data breaches is the responsibility of IT professionals – such as cybersecurity experts. Informing a company about its legal obligations regarding the protection of data is our job as lawyers.
From the moment any enterprise collects and stores personal data – it has an obligation to protect it in the best possible way. PFL advises clients, in the case of any potential or real data leak, where something beyond one’s control ends and where actual legal negligence begins.

Antitrust Authority Appeals

In cases where there is a real or suspected violation of the treatment of personal data – our legal team can represent clients before the Italian Data Protection Authority.

About Us

A human approach to the practice of law – working closely in partnership with clients from start to finish.

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PFL works closely with clients in every situation, supporting them with professionals who provide counsel on numerous specialized areas of law.